If Heaven had a flavor ... it would be coffee.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

25 Things Linky Party

               Lori Prosser

Shaunna, from PerfectlyImperfect, is having a linky party ... thought I'd get all dressed up and join!

  1. For the first time in 10 years I am ill, home from work with a sore throat.  I want to be pampered.
  2. These days, with the Internet, you can spend more money being indoors than going out.
  3. I bought this awesome camera today I can't wait to show you!
  4. I still don't have the Internet on my phone, I'm afraid I'll never put it down if I do.
  5. Lately I've been overbooking my social life and I'm having trouble keeping up with myself!
  6. This will be my first Valentine's Day without someone.  I like that it feels okay.
  7. My friend with breast cancer is doing awesome ... I believe in the power of prayer.
  8. I know this camera is going to change my life.
  9. My daughter is falling in love and it's incredible to watch.
  10. I am reading One Red Paperclip right now.  He's just traded up to an afternoon with Alice Cooper.
  11. I miss Jax.  Fell in love with him in a single afternoon.  My daughter's friend's puppy.
  12. I am getting majorly burned out on complainers.  And gossipers.
  13. I love my work.
  14. Stoli Doli's rock.  But only one.
  15. I hate it when my friend's parent's die.  
  16. My daughter drove 6 hrs. to surprise her boyfriend tonight.  Young love energizes me.
  17. Someday I want to publish a cook book.
  18. Did I tell you I bought a new camera?
  19. I wish I had a maid so I could blog more.
  20. I wonder if I'll ever get through all the recipes I want to make.
  21. Years ago we tried shaving Raskal, the cat.  Turned out so funny we laughed for weeks.
  22. One day Raskal walked away and never came back.  I hope it wasn't the haircut.
  23. What if there aren't computers or cell phones in heaven, how will I find you?
  24. I always buy the book that's standing alone.  I figure it must be good.  It was.
  25. I want to thank my former husband for giving me 3 beautiful children.  They truly rock.
